Hi, I’m Tina Neve

Would you like to be more confident, to have more clarity and self-belief, less overwhelm, anxiety, doubt or just feeling miserable.

I work with men and women 40 +, supporting you to take control, rebalance and move forward with renewed confidence and clarity in your career.

You may be questioning your identity, your capabilities or what you really want from your career and life.  Life happens and career situations change, which challenges your expectations and beliefs on how things “should be”.

Would you like to have more positive, hopeful thoughts about the future?

Why Human Decisions?

For me, Human Decisions are when your Head, Heart and Gut are aligned. If your heart isn’t in it, or you know in your gut that something isn’t right, you are unlikely to feel fulfilled or happy in what you are doing.

My holistic approach supports you to rebalance, reframing your internal narrative, so that you can make long lasting, positive changes professionally and personally.

Enabling you to believe in yourself so that you can move forward with confidence and clarity. The most important relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself.

Self-Awareness is the foundation to a happier more fulfilling life, and a successful career.

I felt extremely supported during my sessions with Tina, who created a space where I felt that I was able to be completely open and vulnerable. In many ways Tina helped to pick me up at a time when I was feeling very overwhelmed and “stuck” in my current role.ED